Fire fighter or fast responder without entering the room in fire, ignite the canisters manually and toss into the room. The aerosol generator does firefighting job. Flames are knocked down within seconds.
It also protects the fire fighter from flashovers and back drafts of fire. Once flame is under control, The fire fighter enter the room to sprinkle water at hot spot or at deep seated fire.
Ignited by the key. Once trigger is activated the device takes 10 sec. for release of aerosol cloud, that extinguishes fire.
Weighs up to 5 kg and dia up to 10.5 inch , can be easily stored in any rack, handled and carried by hand and bike.
Can be used to control and extinguish fire in room up to 150 meter cube.
The Best Device of Fire Suppression At Situations.
Is not substitute of water to knock deep seated fire. Performs better and faster to control fire in many situations , than water based fire fighting.
- Basement, where fire tender can not attend.
- Lanes and by lanes where fire tender find it difficult to reach or takes time. Same applies to highly crowded city.
- Chemical ware house & Gas stations (Fire is knocked by small amount of DSPA)
- Electrical control room, electronics server room, document center. Use of water may control fire but damage more.
- Although it is not an clean agent but leaves nil or negligible residues in the room as most of the particles go away like a cloud, on opening the room. The remainant can be cleared by vacuum cleaner.
- Zero ozone depletion.
- Zero global warming potential
- Lowest atmospheric life among all agents. So safest for environment.
- No toxicity, not replacing oxygen in room & safe for life present in the room during release.
- Non corrosive to electronic material and non conductive even at 40 kv dielectric strength. Safe for electronic circuit.
- Life of particle in side container is 15 years.
Product Certificate
- DSPA complies NFPA 2010 guide lines for aerosol generator application.
- Reviewed for ozone depletion potential, global warming potential, toxicity, flammability, and exposure potential as per official SNAP listing by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Investigation in accordance with UL 2775.
- BRE Fire & Security / BRE Global, observed fire test with aerosol extinguishing system UL2127, No. 121351. BRE Fire & Security / BRE Global, test with DSPA aerosol suppression system for prison cell fire protection, No. 246190.
- Intertek ETL SEMKO, Product evaluation & test report UL 711 (Modified). No. 314579.
- RINA, condensed aerosol extinguishing system – witness report. No. 2007CS015767.
- Approvals, recognition by government and leading agencies in fire from many nations are available on request.